"The dramatic rescue of an American teen stranded in the freezing waters of the Indian Ocean almost claimed the life of the fishing boat captain who scrambled to save her, the New York Post reported Sunday."
REWIND! .... a dramatic rescue of an American teen stranded in the freezing waters of the Indian Ocean... Hmmmm... Question, what exactly is this teen doing in the freezing waters of the Indian Ocean??? Lets find out shall we?
"Abby Sunderland was spotted halfway between Australia and Africa. She is said to be alive and well. Sunderland is attempting to become the youngest person to sail around the world."
Okay, so she wants to be the youngest person to sail around the world... which raises another question... WHY?!?!?!?!
It is alleged that little ms Sailor Chick's dad had some sort of TV deal ..... (CHA-CHING!!) her brother pulled the same stunt last year, and there was some kinda discussion about a TV show that never came about.
Okay, so that rules out my other question..... WHERE THE HELL ARE HER PARENTS?!
Of course he denies it, however, i'm pretty sure that if she made it back home safely, successfully or whatever and that TV deal was "set in stone" daddy would have NEVER denied. (or maybe that's just me being cynical)
Seems like these people have death wishes.
Word of advice to little ms Sailor Chick .... as much as the weather is "predictable" ...... that's all it is ... PREDICTABLE! which means, things can change and ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!!!!
Good luck to you and yours!
-Lady Jay
Love the new look!
ReplyDeleteKeep em' coming...! Almost there!
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